Reiki: Energize your future

Reiki (pronounced ray-kee) is the Japanese word for the Universal Life Force, the energy that permeates and sustains our entire world. There is an infinite source of this energy, creating and supporting all of us, the animals, the planets, plus a whole lot more that is invisible to us. This one uniting energy has been used by many cultures in a variety of ways. For example, Tai Chi, Acupuncture and Yoga. The Reiki healing system has been used traditionally throughout Japan and India since ancient times. It was Dr Mikao Usui, in the mid-nineteenth century, who rediscovered this almost-lost healing system. Reiki is a completely natural healing method, accelerating the body, mind and spirit’s healing process. Through giving Reiki healing sessions to yourself and others, a sense of balance, purpose and spirituality is naturally restored.

Because Reiki energy is directly connected to the source of our universe and our being, it has its own inherent intelligence. This intelligence allows it to focus on the most needed areas of healing completely automatically, thereby suiting the needs of the receiver in the very best way.